Back Pain Treated At Cliff Chiropractic Southend

With at least four out of five adults experiencing back pain at some point in their lives, low back pain is one of the most common conditions our team of experienced chiropractors treat at Cliffs Chiropractic in Southend.


Causes of back pain

The causes of low back wear and tear vary from poor lifting or incorrect carrying of heavy weights, to poor posture, stress, pregnancy and general wear and tear.

The body is supported by the spine, which carries our spinal cord and nervous system. Nerves branch off the spinal cord between the vertebrae. Therefore, injury may not only lead to local inflammation and pain, but also to irritation of the spinal nerves causing pain elsewhere in the body. Commonly the pain will refer into the buttock and the back or front of the thigh and occasionally all the way to the foot and toes.

A common myth is that acute low back pain is caused by a ‘slipped disc’. Discs do not slip – they can bulge and this may cause leg pain or sciatica.


Chiropractic treatment for back pain

Acute, chronic and general low back pain responds well to chiropractic treatment. Official government guidelines from the NICE and guidelines from the Royal College of General Practitioners suggest the early referral for manipulative treatment, such as chiropractic is the most effective way of dealing with acute and chronic low back pain.

In pain and need help?
Contact us now, our award winning team is here to help you

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