Back care advice for gardeners from Cliffs Chiropractor Southend on Sea

It’s that time of year again – the Chelsea Flower Show is just around the corner and the warmer weather is on its way! It can only mean that gardening is on the cards for many of us. on and warmer weather predicted then for many getting out into the garden is on their plans.

However, our team of chiropractors in Southend are sending out this advice if you are planning on doing some gardening any time soon. Watch your back!

Unfortunately it is only too common at this time of year that our experienced team of chiropractors at Cliffs Chiropractic Clinic in Southend treat patients who are suffering as a result of their gardening exploits.

So we’ve put together some basic advice for you to follow and keep your back safe while gardening this summer …

1. Clothing – Choose loose and comfortable clothing to wear and avoid wearing clothing that is too tight or will impede your movement.
2. Warm up – Before you start do some simple stretching exercises. It can really save you from painful injuries and strains.
3. Lighter tasks first – begin with the lighter tasks you have planned and build up too the more strenuous ones.
4. Avoid bending and overstretching –often the causes of injuries and strains so you want to ensure that you get up close to the what you are working on and use long handled gardening tools and equipment to help you.
5. Change potion/activity every 20 -30 minute – so you’re not in one position for too long and you avoid repetitive movements.
6. Take regular breaks and have a stretch while you’re at it.

You’ll find an useful video to watch below that the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) has put together. It reinforces the points above but in a visual way.

Why not book in and get a check-up with one of our experienced team at Cliffs Chiropractor Southend before you get started and avoid injuries and strains.