Back to Business is Launched at London Southend Airport

Echo_NewsOur exciting B2B (Back to Business) campaign has officially begun. We were invited to London Southend Airport to launch the campaign with a powerful takeoff. B2B is our campaign for bringing simple exercises to those desk bound at work, to ease and help prevent back pain.

With nearly 10 million working days being lost to back pain in 2014 and over a billion pounds lost in work productivity, we’re on a mission to fight the rising surge of work-related back issues.

B2B is a campaign with a difference

B2B involves us going into the workplace and giving an introductory talk and demonstration to staff. We follow this up with posters to be put up in the workplace and access to videos of the exercises for staff to refer to.

B2B consists of six simple movements that any desk worker can do to reduce stiffness, prevent back pain, improve posture and enhance energy levels. And what’s more, these short exercises take hardly any time to perform and they’re discreet (nobody wants to be the office’s “performing seal”, after all!).

We’re also working hard behind the scenes developing an exercise programme aimed at alleviating back problems associated with manual handling . Watch this space …

B2B Launches at London Southend Airport

BAck to Business at Cliffs Chiropractor SouthendWe were invited to launch our B2B campaign at London Southend Airport. London Southend Airport is owned by Stobart Group a company well known for its inclusive policies and all for one, one for all attitude.

Jon Horne, the Chief Operating Office,  suffers from back pain himself and was eager for his staff to be involved. Jon said “We can all make a difference to our own health and wellbeing; the practical steps set out in Back to Business can be done quickly and easily”.

The session was held by Arif, who demonstrated just how easy and effective the B2B exercises are and how these exercises should be done in the close confines of an office, and importantly, an air traffic control tower. Arif soon had Mr Horne and members of staff, performing the exercises and having lots of fun in the process!

A selected member of staff will become a B2B ambassador, receiving additional training from Cliffs, to help staff stick to the regime and to keep it inspiring and fresh.

So why is there such a need for an innovative campaign such as B2B?

At our clinBAck to Business campaign at Cliffs Chiropractor Southendics alone, we are treating more and more back conditions than ever before and this has nothing to do with an ageing population as patients are getting younger and younger. This is a direct result of our more sedentary lifestyles, our near-addiction to mobile devices, which is putting additional strain on the spine as we bend our necks to send and receive texts and emails and poor posture.

National statistics are even more alarming. The National Back Pain Survey conducted in October 2014 revealed that over 4 million working days were lost by workers aged 50-64 that year and workers aged 25-34 lost a whopping 1.89 million days due to back pain. Those in the 35-49 bracket took 3.86 million days off for back-related issues. The survey also exposed the heavy rise in back-related work absence; 7.7 million working days were lost in 2013 compared with 9.96 million in 2014.

Watch Arif explain what our B2B campaign is all about.

You can find out more about our B2B campaign here.

Look after your spine’s future and it will look after yours.