It was great to meet up and help out so many visitors to the Southend Garden Show over the May Day Bank Holiday weekend.
We even had one of the Garden Show celebs pay us a visit. Tommy Walsh best known for his role in the BBC’s Ground Force series was at the show sharing his advice with show attendees.
Tommy came by the stand to say hi! Here’s Tommy with Pas and Lisa at the Cliffs Chiropractor Southend stand.
There’s no doubt that Tommy values Chiropractic treatment to keep him in tip top shape so that he can get on with all his DIY and Gardening jobs.
As this Summer’s Gardening season pick up steam why not follow Tommy’s lead and give us a call at Cliffs Chiropractic. Our experienced team of chiropractors in Southend on Sea are here to help you stay in tip top shape for this Summer’s gardening!