Heading to The Golf Course – Keep Your Back Safe

As the days get longer and the weather improves, golfers will be spending more time out on the golf course!

As chiropractors we encourage everyone to stay active and if golf is your thing then go for it. However, we want you to stay safe and be able to enjoy playing for as long as possible.

Our chiropractors at Cliffs Chiropractic in Southend have put together some tips to keep you safe:

Keep it light: Golf bags are notoriously heavy and awkward to carry so invest in a light weight bag. Check that you’re not carrying around unwanted objects that add to the weight. In addition to finding a light weight bag find one that has dual harness straps over your shoulders – this will help keep the weight evenly distributed.

Warm Up and Warm Down: Not warming up before teeing off can too often result in muscle strains and injuries. Take a few minutes before heading off to do some simple stretches – focus on your hamstrings, quads, chest and shoulders. Repeat at the end of your round before heading to the bar!

Take care with your trolley: Pull trolleys inevitably mean twisting your back awkwardly – so be mindful if you are using one. Using a power or electric caddy may be a safer option.

If you are suffering a pain or injury then why not book an appointment with one of our chiropractors. Not only will they be able to help ease your symptoms you may just improve your golf game just like one of our patients did – here’s what Keith said:

“I was suffering from severe neck trauma after sharply turning my head. This affected my golf which I play three times a week ,noticing a significant reduction in turn and distance when hitting the ball. Now not only am I totally free of pain but I can achieve the golf I was playing 10 yrs ago when I was a 12 handicap. I am now on 16 handicap but expect to see this come down after a few weeks treatment from Arif!”