Aaron Hicks was serving in Afghanistan when he suffered life changing injuries by an improvised explosive device (IED) nearly eight years ago.
He got thrown from his vehicle and fractured his spine and L1 and his hip. His driver and his commander died in the explosion. Aaron considers himself very fortunate and lucky to have survived.
He was flown out of Afghanistan to Birmingham for surgery where he had his left hip fused and he had a spinal fusion to the L1 above and below.
However, even after extensive surgery, Aaron still suffered significant pain.
Aaron has been able to seek help at Cliffs with funding received from Help for Heroes for which he is extremely grateful.
It’s been about four weeks since Aaron started treatment at Cliffs and he says himself that he can already see a massive difference in those few weeks.
It’s a real privilege for us to take care of Aaron and we thank him for coming along to Cliffs and also for sharing his story with us.