Many of you have been surprised by the number of pregnant ladies, babies and young children that attend the clinic. I wish to share with you one of my greatest passions and why from this year we are “pushing for (more) babies” to avoid birth trauma.
Every month I see young babies and mothers who have suffered the effects of a difficult birth and problematic pregnancy. In many cases I hear emotional stories of assisted birth, breech presentations and tremendously painful deliveries, often ending with emergency c-sections and traumatised babies. The parents and child can be exhausted. All are desperate for help, having already tried ‘conventional ‘ approaches.
We need your help to spread the message that we can help. PLEASE share this with as many as you can. If you have ever had a sick child how grateful would you have been for someone to advise you on what best to do? Be the ‘someone’.
For many, one of the most memorable, emotional and potentially traumatic moments in life is birth. We rely at these times upon the knowledge experience and expertise of midwives, doctors and health visitors.
I admire the skills of midwives and the medical birth team. However having spoken and treated these professionals over the years it is clearly apparent the ‘mechanics of labour’ are giving way to an over medicalisation with c-sections and ‘assisted’ deliveries becoming the norm.
If we are to change this then we need to be share our knowledge with midwives and obstetricians and be recognised as experts in our field. To be heard we need a voice, the voice of experience, the first-hand experience of the parents, grandparents and babies who we have helped. So we will share case histories of families continuing this month with Jack’s story.
This year I have already started to approach midwives and hospitals in Essex to advise them on how understanding and applying my approach to the birth process can result in reduced labour pain and medical intervention. I also wish them to have the ability to know when to refer to us for treatment at an early stage.
The six most common reasons babies attend are:
- Colic.
- Persistant crying/ needs always to be held
- Poor feeding/latching on.
- Reflux.
- Poor sleep.
- Irregular bowel motions, i.e. less than daily.
By gently using my hands and fingers to correct distortions and compressions to a baby’s cranium, spine and pelvis it is possible to alter the shape of the head, normalise neural function and restore a child to a peaceful, happy and healthy state. It is incredibly rewarding and improvements can be noticed in just a few days. Above all these are very safe procedures and highly preferable to medication. Jack was just such a case
So far in 2015 we have seen our highest concentration of new patients who are babies. Our vision is becoming a reality!
PLEASE share this with as many as you can.
Arif is a Fellow of the International Chiropractic Paediatric Association and Member of the Royal College of Chiropractic Paediatric Faculty.