Why Babies Even Need Chiropractors Sometimes

Walter Russell thxLast month we launched the Back Story campaign. Its aim is to help all of us improve our health and wellbeing by adopting some very simple habits that will have life-changing benefits.

The Echo is backing the campaign, and in a recent edition, Arif raised awareness about helping our children … even when they’re only nine days old like Walter Russell.

Walter is now a happy three-month old boy, however, this is a far cry from the traumatic start Walter had in life. His mother’s 36-hour labour combined with the early breaking of her waters resulted in Walter having sepsis – a life-threatening condition that occurs when the body’s response to infection causes injury to its own tissues.

Walter spent the first five days of his life in Southend Hospital – three days on the intensive care ward then a further two days under close observation before being allowed to go home. The newborn also had to have a lumbar puncture to confirm that he didn’t have meningitis.

Read Walter’s story and how Arif helped him and can help other babies too by clicking on the image below.

Echo Back Story babies and toddlers


Why Is Our Reception Full of Babies and Pregnant Ladies?

treating babies at cliffs chiropractor southendAs one of the UK’s first chiropractors to qualify as a Certified Chiropractic Paediatric Practitioner, Arif, who is also a Fellow of the International Chiropractic Paediatric Association, attracts new mothers and pregnant ladies from across Essex (and further afield) who are looking for Chiropractic treatment to help them.

Many people are unware that chiropractic treatment can be effective during pregnancy and for the care of babies and children. However, a specialised approach is required for this level of chiropractic care.

You can read more about the pregnancy care and paediatric care we offer at Cliffs on our website.

We believe that it often helps to hear our patients’ own experiences of the care that we offer. Here is feedback that we received on our Facebook page recently from two of our patients.

Pregnancy Care

“If you are considering chiropractic care whilst pregnant then without a doubt do it. I had my first child without chiropractic care (was kicking myself after!) the labour was much longer as I suffered hip pain, this I discovered much later was due to a variety of issues which led to the womb becoming the shape of a 3D figure of eight. labour took much longer as the head wasn’t engaged since baby was at the top and took a considerable time to move further down. Anyway the long and short of it was a long labour with the need for a drip etc to speed things along!! However when I had my second child I had discovered the wonders of chiropractic care. The labour was the total opposite, the womb would have been balloon shaped with the regular adjustments and was much better without the need of medical interference. I gave birth at home (as planned!) in much less time and a great deal more pleasant. All I can suggest is that with chiropractic care you will give both you and baby the best advantage possible at a stressful time! If anyone would like to know more feel free to ask. Arif was amazing and soooo enthusiastic too.” Col Wright

Paediatric Care

“I have been coming to see the team here since 2011. My daughter who is now 4 has been seen by Arif since her birth in 2012.

The team are fantastic, I can leave Sophia in capable hands whilst I have my treatment and she is in safe hands. She will be a great receptionist when she grows up.

Sophia has been seeing Arif since birth and she draws him pictures. She’s gone from a babe in arms to now lying down on the table and enjoying her treatment.

Sophia has a life shorting condition and her health and welfare is paramount. We will do everything we can to keep her healthy.

I believe that her treatment here benefits her condition.” Lisa Hyde

You can read more of our Patients’ stories and testimonials on our website.

If you are pregnant or have concerns about your child or baby’s health then please give us a call and we can answer your questions and if appropraiet book an appointment for you to visit the clinic.





So What Exactly Is Craniopathy and How Can It Help Babies

In an article in a recent edition of the Your Healthy Living magazine, Arif, explains what Chiropractic Craniopathy is, what it does, and what happens during a treatment.

As a Fellow of the International Chiropractic Paediatric Association and a member of the Royal College of Chiropractors Paediatric Faculty, Arif, has a large practice treating many babies, children and expectant mothers, many who travel many miles to receive his specialized experience, knowledge and care.

Your Healthy Living - baby craniopathy, May 2016



This year Cliffs is ‘Pushing for Babies’ announces Arif Soomro from Cliffs Chiropractor Southend

craniopathy at cliffs chiropractor southendMany of you have been surprised by the number of pregnant ladies, babies and young children that attend the clinic. I wish to share with you one of my greatest passions and why from this year we are “pushing for (more) babies” to avoid birth trauma.

Every month I see young babies and mothers who have suffered the effects of a difficult birth and problematic pregnancy. In many cases I hear emotional stories of assisted birth, breech presentations and tremendously painful deliveries, often ending with emergency c-sections and traumatised babies. The parents and child can be exhausted. All are desperate for help, having already tried ‘conventional ‘ approaches.

We need your help to spread the message that we can help. PLEASE share this with as many as you can. If you have ever had a sick child how grateful would you have been for someone to advise you on what best to do? Be the ‘someone’.

For many, one of the most memorable, emotional and potentially traumatic moments in life is birth. We rely at these times upon the knowledge experience and expertise of midwives, doctors and health visitors.

I admire the skills of midwives and the medical birth team. However having spoken and treated these professionals over the years it is clearly apparent the ‘mechanics of labour’ are giving way to an over medicalisation with c-sections and ‘assisted’ deliveries becoming the norm.

If we are to change this then we need to be share our knowledge with midwives and obstetricians and be recognised as experts in our field. To be heard we need a voice, the voice of experience, the first-hand experience of the parents, grandparents and babies who we have helped. So we will share case histories of families continuing this month with Jack’s story.

This year I have already started to approach midwives and hospitals in Essex to advise them on how understanding and applying my approach to the birth process can result in reduced labour pain and medical intervention. I also wish them to have the ability to know when to refer to us for treatment at an early stage.

The six most common reasons babies attend are:

  1. Colic.
  2. Persistant crying/ needs always to be held
  3. Poor feeding/latching on.
  4. Reflux.
  5. Poor sleep.
  6. Irregular bowel motions, i.e. less than daily.

By gently using my hands and fingers to correct distortions and compressions to a baby’s cranium, spine and pelvis it is possible to alter the shape of the head, normalise neural function and restore a child to a peaceful, happy and healthy state. It is incredibly rewarding and improvements can be noticed in just a few days. Above all these are very safe procedures and highly preferable to medication. Jack was just such a case

So far in 2015 we have seen our highest concentration of new patients who are babies. Our vision is becoming a reality!

PLEASE share this with as many as you can.

Arif is a Fellow of the International Chiropractic Paediatric Association and Member of the Royal College of Chiropractic Paediatric Faculty.

Matilda one of our youngest patients helped by chiropractic at Cliffs Chiropractor Southend

Parents are often left exhausted and frustrated with new born babies that persistently cry, have difficulty sleeping or feeding and are fractious.

Matilda was just such a baby and mum Daisy was in a desperate state when they came to the Cliffs in November.However, things have certainly changed for Matilda and Daisy with the help of Arif.


Arif is an expert in craniopathy , a specialised field of chiropractic that focuses on restoring normal cranial function. This can effect the function of the brain and individual nerves that leave through holes in the skull. Birth can exert tremendous forces upon the bones or ‘plates’ of the skull causing the plates to alter shape narrowing the holes through which the nerves exit. The results can be visually obvious in the shape of the baby’s head but the interference with the ‘cranial’ nerves often results in a child that has difficulty feeding, winding, or sleeping. The baby may sometimes be consoled by being kept moving and stroked.

The good news is a baby is naturally pliable and responds quickly if diagnosed and treated quickly. Arif has treated baby’s for 20 years and is on an international register as an expert in his field. “It can often be an emotional experience treating little bundles, there is a connection that comes through feeling their tension and pain. But seeing the happy child and beaming smiles on the parents faces is one of my greatest thrills and rewards.’

If your little one is havign problems then please get in touch with us as we offer a lot of help and advice and if appropriate you can book an appointment with Arif. You can contact us at Cliffs Chiropractor Southend on 01702 430430.