As a Fellow of the International Chiropractic Paediatric Association and has been a Certified Chiropractic Paediatric Practitioner for fourteen years, Arif Soomro, one of our team of award winning Southend chiropractors is often asked about Baby Led Weaning. One of the reasons that Arif is such an advocate for the process is that it helps jaw and cranial development and is likely to reduce the need for orthodontics treatment as the child grows.
Baby Led Weaning provides babies with the chance to explore a variety of foods by themselves and has been shown to help them adapt to different textures from the very start of the weaning process.
Having spoken to many parents who have tried Baby Led Weaning, most have been extremely passionate about its benefits. Many parents have said that weaning in this way has helped their babies develop a healthy appetite for a variety of food groups and has encouraged them to join in with family mealtimes.
If you are interested in trying Baby Led Weaning, a good way to start is to offer your baby a selection of healthy finger foods that are suitable for his/ her age. Arif suggests starting this when you and your family are eating a meal together as this will be a good chance to introduce your baby to family mealtimes (plus you all get to see your baby start this wonderful new adventure!). Chip-shaped or foods with a natural handle (such as cooked broccoli spears) are perhaps the easiest of foods for your young baby to hold. (Bear in mind that when your baby first tries solid food, he/ she will only be able to clasp foods with his/ her fists. Once your baby has developed the pincer grip, he/ she will be able to pick up small food between the forefinger and the thumb.)
It’s important not to be disheartened if your baby just plays with the food you offer at first; this is a natural part of curiosity and discovery and it certainly doesn’t mean that they are not ready or not suited to Baby Led Weaning. Continue to give your baby breast or formula milk in between mealtimes, then as your baby gradually moves on to solids, you should see a natural decline in the amount of milk feeds required.
Are there any downsides?
Weaning is a messy time and you should be prepared for even more mess (and waste!) when you decide to start Baby Led Weaning. Dietitians recommend that your baby gets used to a variety of food textures early on (even the sloppy ones!) which means you will probably need to add carpet cleaner to your weekly shopping list! Bear in mind that if most of your baby’s food does end up on the floor, his/ her nutrient intake may be restricted.
You may also find that your baby find it difficult to chew certain finger foods such as well-cooked meat, but your baby will still need iron from solid food from six months of age.
Our experienced Southend chiropractor, Arif, recommends that you speak to your GP before starting Baby Led Weaning if any of the following apply to you:
• You or any members of your family have allergies, digestive problems, or food intolerances
• Your baby has special needs, can’t chew very well or has difficulty picking up food
• Your baby was born prematurely
For more advice or to book an appointment with Arif or another member of our award winning and dedicated team of chiropractors, contact Cliffs Chiropractor Southend on 01702 430430.