Excellent news – The Lancet has recently published research backing exercise and manipulation with a move away from drugs as the most effective treatment for back pain.
We’re sure this comes as no great surprise to our patients at Cliffs Chiropractic!
With the continued increase in the numbers of people suffering low back pain worldwide, the publications of these three papers in the Lancet is very timely.
The three papers published have been produced by leading authors in the field of low back pain including contributions from Jan Hartvigsenn and Alice Kongsted, two leading researchers in the field of chiropractic.
The papers address the trends in diagnosis and treatment of low back pain around the world. The first paper covers the complexity of the condition and the contributors to it. The second paper outlines recommendations for treatment of low back pain and the scarcity of research into its prevention. The final paper highlights that disability associated with low back pain needs to be recognised and that social and economic factors and personal and cultural beliefs about back pain cannot be ignored.
Chiropractic – the Natural, Safe & Effective treatment for low back pain
Chiropractic treatment involves safe, gentle and specific spinal manipulation to free joints in the spine or other areas of the body that are not moving properly. However, treatment offered by chiropractors is not limited to spinal manipulation. In addition to spinal manipulation, chiropractors can offer a package of care which includes exercises, self help advice and lifestyle changes.
At Cliffs we offer a package of care which encompasses:
- chiropractic
- medical acupuncture
- remedial massage
- exercise
- nutrition and
- lifestyle advice.
Chiropractic treatment is suitable for most people. The variety of treatment methods used ensures that all age groups can benefit from chiropractic. Once you are better we can provide you with help to maintain good health, including providing you with exercise, lifestyle and ergonomic advice.
At Cliffs we aim to find the underlying cause of your pain and discomfort and provide a long term solution for your continued good health.
However, we want to do more than make people better. We are constantly looking for ways to educate and support people to achieve better back health. Two of our latest campaigns have been Back To Business and The Back Story.
The Back To Business campaign provides a series of exercises that can be done to support your back and keep it stay healthy. Arif took the campaign out into workplaces in and around Southend to educate workers of the need to protect their backs and received fantastic feedback.
The Back Story campaign was developed to provide different age groups with appropriate advice for keeping their backs, necks and shoulders safe. The Echo supported our campaign and published articles monthly to support the campaign and we included these in our Newsletters so hopefully you read them!
If you are suffering low back pain then our team of experienced chiropractors are here to help and support you.