Yoga has become increasingly popular. While many people consider it as a form of exercise, Sarah Silver explains how yoga offers so much more than that.
“Be faithful in small things because is it in that your strength lies! – Mother Theresa
Yoga is the union of mind, body and spirit. The ultimate goal is to attain enlightenment to find meaning in this world and how we fit into it. The original yogic system is more spiritual than physical and the first yoga texts do not emphasis postures. Traditionally there are four paths of yoga Karma-Bhakti-Raja-Jnanana. Yoga we practice today has evolved from these teachings. Modern day yoga (1850 to the present) descends from Raja yoga. It is a comprehensive method that embraces meditation while encompassing the whole of yoga dealing directly with the thoughts of the mind and follows all the preparation of hatha yoga (yoga postures).
The breath
Our breath is directly linked to the central nervous system. t is an important indication of our physical, mental and emotional well-being. We can use it to induce feelings of calm by taking conscious control which changes the neural pathways within our brain and nervous system (flight/fight). It teaches us to become aware of the quality of our breath and through yogic breathing you begin to notice how the body experiences it. it is the key to unlocking your body in your yoga practice.
Yoga Postures
These are tried and tested, they have been developed over thousands of years to purposely exercise every muscle, nerve and gland within the body. Practising once or twice a week increases body strength, flexibility and grounds you spiritually. No special equipment is needed, you just come on to your mat with your breath and some resolve. This makes it suitable for all age groups and those with mobility problems. There are several yoga centres in the local area that provide classes for all levels.
Meditation and spirituality
Meditation is a flow of mental awareness which we directly experience by emptying the mind. Several methods are used: Breathing, Visualisation, Mantras and Chanting and Gazing to ground and help us to focus the mind. Love is the highest state and final goal of spiritual realisation, having an open heart is the key in moving your lie forward. Love is your inner source, your potential and your true nature. Meditation helps to clear and mental attachments – anger, greed and fear in order for us to move forward and grow a compassionate people.
“The answer my friend is blowing in the wind” – bob Dylan.
Om Shanti Namaste