Why Babies Even Need Chiropractors Sometimes

Walter Russell thxLast month we launched the Back Story campaign. Its aim is to help all of us improve our health and wellbeing by adopting some very simple habits that will have life-changing benefits.

The Echo is backing the campaign, and in a recent edition, Arif raised awareness about helping our children … even when they’re only nine days old like Walter Russell.

Walter is now a happy three-month old boy, however, this is a far cry from the traumatic start Walter had in life. His mother’s 36-hour labour combined with the early breaking of her waters resulted in Walter having sepsis – a life-threatening condition that occurs when the body’s response to infection causes injury to its own tissues.

Walter spent the first five days of his life in Southend Hospital – three days on the intensive care ward then a further two days under close observation before being allowed to go home. The newborn also had to have a lumbar puncture to confirm that he didn’t have meningitis.

Read Walter’s story and how Arif helped him and can help other babies too by clicking on the image below.

Echo Back Story babies and toddlers


So What Exactly Is Craniopathy and How Can It Help Babies

In an article in a recent edition of the Your Healthy Living magazine, Arif, explains what Chiropractic Craniopathy is, what it does, and what happens during a treatment.

As a Fellow of the International Chiropractic Paediatric Association and a member of the Royal College of Chiropractors Paediatric Faculty, Arif, has a large practice treating many babies, children and expectant mothers, many who travel many miles to receive his specialized experience, knowledge and care.

Your Healthy Living - baby craniopathy, May 2016



Do you have an angry, crying baby? Craniopathy for babies at Cliffs Chiropractor Southend could help you

Here at Cliffs Chiropractor Southend we treat patients of all ages. A lot of people, have been surprised by the number of babies, pregnant ladies and children that attend the clinic.

Arif, one of our chiropractors is a Fellow of the International Chiropractic Paediatric Association and Member of the Royal College of Chiropractic Paediatric Faculty. Craniopathy for babies is also a specialty of Arif’s.

Giving birth can sometimes alter the shape of the baby’s head and can make breathing quite hard for the baby. By gently using hands and fingers to correct distortions and compressions to a baby’s cranium, spine and pelvis it is possible to alter the shape of the head, normalise neural function and restore a child to a peaceful, happy and healthy state. Improvements can be noticed in just a few days. Above all these are very safe procedures and highly preferable to medication.

Jack is only 10 weeks old and has only slept for 40 minutes at a time. When awake he cries with a high pitch and his mother describes him as ‘angry’.  After two treatments in 5 days he slept for 5 hours. He was in pain following a traumatic birth and a plate strain to his skull. We can only guess how bad his headache was. It is important to remember babies do feel pain and don’t need drugs to mask it. They need non-invasive effective treatment that treats the cause not the symptoms.

Watch this Youtube clip to hear more about Jack’s story:

If you have a distressed baby or would like to know more about craniopathy for babies then please get in touch with us as we offer a lot of help and advice. You can contact us at Cliffs Chiropractor Southend on 01702 430430.

Do you have a distressed baby? Cliffs Chiropractor may be able to help

Many of you have been surprised by the number of pregnant ladies, babies and young children that attend the clinic. Many of you have also been surprised that we offer craniopathy as a treatment for babies.

Arif one of our Chiropractors at the clinic is a Fellow of the International Chiropractic Paediatric Association and Member of the Royal College of Chiropractic Paediatric Faculty. Arif also treats babies by using craniopathy.

Giving birth can sometimes atler the shape of the baby’s head and can make breathing quite hard for the baby. By gently using hands and fingers to correct distortions and compressions to a baby’s cranium, spine and pelvis it is possible to alter the shape of the head, normalise neural function and restore a child to a peaceful, happy and healthy state. Improvements can be noticed in just a few days. Above all craniopathy is a very safe procedure and is highly preferable to any medication available.

Here is Matilda’s story and how she was treated with craniopathy:

If you are suffering from pain or if you have any other concerns please get in touch with us as we offer a lot of help and advice to get you back up and running as soon as possible. You can contact us at Cliffs Chiropractor Southend on 01702 430430.

Our Southend Chiropractor specialises in Craniopathy

As a team of leading chiropractors in Southend we often treat a large variety of people with differing problems. We pride ourselves in providing excellent customer service alongside an expert delivery in our area. We aim to look at your problem, find a solution and lead you on your way to healing it.

One of our chiropractors Arif, has developed as a specialist in the chiropractic treatment of pregnant ladies and children since 1999 when he attended a series of seminars by the lauded Carol Phillips, a famous pre- natal chiropractor, Sacro-Occipital Therapist and Doula and one of the world’s best teachers of the Webster Technique. He went on to complete the course to become a Fellow of the International Chiropractic Paediatric Association , which then lead to him becoming a member of the Royal College of Chiropractors Paediatric Faculty.

Over the years he has continued to develop his knowledge, learning from the best in the fields, especially in advanced Craniopathy for babies, children and adults.

Arif believes in the humanistic approach to pregnancy and birth. The human body has it’s own innate wisdom and the female process of pregnancy and birth are generally healthy and safe. A birth team should create a loving, relaxed, nurturing environment for the birth; this power will help to deliver your baby without fear, feeling in control. To reduce the risk of birth trauma and problems such as crying babies we need to take responsibility for the outcome of birth.

Chiropractic treatment of the pregnant mum, babies and children is centered on a holistic approach, thoroughly examining the spine, pelvis, cranium as well as the muscular and nervous systems.

If you would like to know more about Craniopathy or book an appointment, you can contact us at Cliffs Chiropractor Southend on 01702 430430.



Matilda one of our youngest patients helped by chiropractic at Cliffs Chiropractor Southend

Parents are often left exhausted and frustrated with new born babies that persistently cry, have difficulty sleeping or feeding and are fractious.

Matilda was just such a baby and mum Daisy was in a desperate state when they came to the Cliffs in November.However, things have certainly changed for Matilda and Daisy with the help of Arif.


Arif is an expert in craniopathy , a specialised field of chiropractic that focuses on restoring normal cranial function. This can effect the function of the brain and individual nerves that leave through holes in the skull. Birth can exert tremendous forces upon the bones or ‘plates’ of the skull causing the plates to alter shape narrowing the holes through which the nerves exit. The results can be visually obvious in the shape of the baby’s head but the interference with the ‘cranial’ nerves often results in a child that has difficulty feeding, winding, or sleeping. The baby may sometimes be consoled by being kept moving and stroked.

The good news is a baby is naturally pliable and responds quickly if diagnosed and treated quickly. Arif has treated baby’s for 20 years and is on an international register as an expert in his field. “It can often be an emotional experience treating little bundles, there is a connection that comes through feeling their tension and pain. But seeing the happy child and beaming smiles on the parents faces is one of my greatest thrills and rewards.’

If your little one is havign problems then please get in touch with us as we offer a lot of help and advice and if appropriate you can book an appointment with Arif. You can contact us at Cliffs Chiropractor Southend on 01702 430430.