Kids: Is Homework Harming Their Backs?

back care advice for children from our chiropractor in southendThe new school term will soon be here and our daily routines (and sanity levels) can return to what they were before all chaos broke loose for 6 weeks.

But as we send our children through the gates for another year of learning, we may have another issue to fret over. (And yes; we mean on top of all the other never-ending worries that come with being a parent.)

We’re talking about homework and our kids’ spines.

While overloaded bag packs are regularly scrutinised under the media spotlight, no one ever seems to mention the way in which our children actually work with the contents. According to our Southend chiropractor, many children adopt poor posture while studying or doing their homework, which holds the very real risk of leading to long-term back problems.

Here our experienced chiropractor shares effective and little known tips on ensuring your children protect their spines at homework time:

Head Tilt

Ensure that your children do not bend their heads down to read. Just like “Text Neck”, regularly lowering the head to read can cause excessive strain on the cervical spine.


Help your children to reduce the risk of shoulder strain by checking that their elbows are not raised awkwardly as they type. Ideally, your children’s elbows should be rested on side rests or side arms so that the weight of the arms is off the shoulders.

Lumbar support

Make sure your children’s lower spines are supported by investing in a good quality study chair.


Check that your children are not typing with their forearm below their armrests. If your children work from an armchair, place a pillow or attaché beneath their laptop/ tablet. This will allow them to use their armrests and type with level forearms


Ensure that your children stay hydrated during homework sessions. Keeping the body hydrated is an effective inflammation fighter, so keep the H20 coming in regularly supplies!


Your children should take breaks away from their workstation/ computer around every 20 minutes. Make sure your children get up, stretch and walk around during their breaks – remaining at their desks checking their social media updates will have the same impact on their spines if they were to study without a break!

You can have a positive impact on your children’s back health by educating them on these simple changes. Believe us; they’ll thank you for it in later life.

Is Homework Causing Stress and Affecting Your Child’s Spine?

To most children and teenagers, the word “homework” sends their minds and bodies into stress mode. After all, following a week at school, the last thing most children want to do is get their heads stuck into another textbook! But according to our leading Southend chiropractor, a reduction in homework stress can transform homework into a positive and enjoyable experience that teaches children lifelong skills.
Our chiropractor from our Southend clinic shares the following top tips in making homework stress free:

1: Buy an additional set of second hand textbooks to keep at home. This will help to keep your child organised and will benefit their spine by not having to carry extra books in their school bags.

2: Teach your child relaxation techniques to help control anger and frustration. It’s important to introduce these techniques when your child is calm so that they can be implemented if and when required.

3: Break down each homework assignment into smaller sections and make sure your child takes a break from their desk every 20 minutes. Reward your child when they stick to the schedule and praise their achievements.

Remember to take a look at your child’s homework routine and if your child ends up upset, sleep deprived or regularly missing out on other activities to complete assignments then it may be time to make some important changes.

To book an appointment with our award winning team of chiropractors, contact Cliffs Chiropractor in Southend on 01702 430430.