Chiropractic Following Neck Surgery

chiropractic after neck surgery at cliff chiropractor southendIt is not unusual for some people to be nervous of visiting a chiropractor for the first time. Recently, Arif has started treating one such lady. She took some persuasion to come and see him with problems that she had been suffering with in her neck and head for many years.

Arif wants to show you one of the reasons why she was nervous about coming to see him. You’ll understand why when you see her X-rays.

Watch the Video Below.

In the video, Arif explains the X-rays that were taken of the patient. As you’ll see, the patient has had neck surgery and Arif explains the consequence the surgery has had on her.

Barbara shares how she has suffered horrendous headaches permanently along with back pains for about 33 years. The neck surgery that she underwent did help in the beginning, but the pains got worse and worse again over time.

After visiting Arif, she learnt that her neck was worse than she was originally told and that her condition was worse than she ever thought. However, Arif explained to her that he may be able to do something to help her.

The good news is that a week after her first visit with Arif, she has had 3 days of no headaches, which is very unusual as she was suffering almost continuous headaches.

When asked how this makes her feel, her words are simple – “It makes me feel good”.

She is very excited about her next stage of her treatment and we look forward to helping her on her journey.

Common Triggers Of Back And Neck Pain Revealed In Recent Research

back care advice from our southend chiropractorRecent consumer research has looked at the trends in back and neck pain over the last five years and the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) has released the findings to coincide with BackCare Awareness Week in October. Included  in the research was the trend of common triggers for back or neck pain.

If you suffer from back or neck pain you may very well have found that there is a common trigger to your suffering. Our chiropractors at Cliffs Chiropractic often have patients tell them this.

Here are common triggers highlighted in the research.

Sitting for long periods: The number of respondents reporting this as a common trigger rose from 35% to 45% .

The job: A fifth of respondents identified their job as being a key trigger.

Sleeping: This remains a common trigger with 11% more women reporting it as a trigger than men.

Sports and exercise: Has made it into the list of top triggers, ousting housework and DIY.

It’s interesting to see that most of these triggers involve activities that we all do every day. Maybe this is why back and neck pain are relatively common conditions! However, with a few simple changes to our daily routines we can protect ourselves from the most common triggers. Here are our chiropractors top tips to protecting your back and neck:

Stand up and move around: Take a break from sitting every 30 minutes and stand up and move around. Take it as an opportunity do some simple stretches too.

Set up your desk and PC for a good sitting posture: Setting up your office chair to ensure you maintain a good posture is essential. Arif has created a video and information with easy to follow steps to avoid back, neck and muscle problems at your office desk. Here is a link to the Sitting Posture page.

Sleeping: Ensure your bed/mattress is providing you with adequate support. Here is a link to a post on how to choose a mattress that you may find useful.

Keep active: Whilst sports and exercise has been cited as a common trigger in the research, our chiropractors can’t stress enough how important keeping active and taking regular exercise is to maintain a healthy back. Many sports injuries are a result of a person not taking time to build up the intensity of exercise, not warning up and cooling some sufficiently and poor technique. If you are unsure of the type of exercise that’s right for you seek professional advice.

The consumer research also revealed that the number of people experiencing back or neck pain on a weekly basis rose from 40% to 45%  and 65% of people experience back or neck pain every month.

Our chiropractors recommend that if you are experiencing back or neck pain for more than a few days you should seek professional help. Official government guidelines from the NICE and guidelines from the Royal College of General Practitioners suggest the early referral for manipulative treatment, such as chiropractic is the most effective way of dealing with acute and chronic low back pain.

If you, or someone you know, are suffering from back or neck pain our experienced team of chiropractors at Cliffs Chiropractic Clinic in Southend are here to help you.





Research reveals the state of backs across Britain

chiropractor southend consultationThe British Chiropractic Association (BCA) has revealed the results of consumer research undertaken to ascertain the state of backs across Britain. The research has highlighted the significant differences in the number of people experiencing back or neck pain across different regions of the country.

The numbers are quite significant between some regions, for example, 57% of people in Northern Ireland responded to say that they currently have back or neck pain whilst in the South East this number was 40%. That’s a 17% difference. By comparison the national average was found to be 44%. This research highlights yet again the increase in back and neck pain with the national average rising by 12% since 2017.

As far as frequency of back or neck pain is concerned, the Scots suffer the most with a third experiencing back or neck pain on a daily basis. Londoners on the hand suffer the least with only 17% suffering.

The top trigger reported for back and neck pain for all regions was lifting and carrying. Sitting still for long periods followed this.

The research also highlights the fact that back and neck pain are affecting people at a younger age, however, it also interesting to note again the variation in rates across the regions. In the Midlands, 70% of people responded to have experienced back or neck pain by the age of 30. In the East of England this number was 48%.

As chiropractors we cannot stress enough that prevention is better than cure. Keeping your back in good health is so important and it doesn’t need to be difficult. Keeping active and incorporating physical activity into your daily routine is key.

Our Back to Business programme has some simple exercises that you can incorporate into your daily routine to help you.

Acute, chronic and general low back pain responds well to chiropractic treatment. Official government guidelines from the NICE and guidelines from the Royal College of General Practitioners suggest the early referral for manipulative treatment, such as chiropractic is the most effective way of dealing with acute and chronic low back pain.

If you are suffering back or neck pain, our experienced team of chiropractors at Cliffs Chiropractic in Southend are here to help you. Call us on 01702 430 430 to arrange an appointment.






Driving This Easter? Keep Your Back Safe

Easter is nearly upon us and many if us will be taking to the roads to get away. While it’s great to get away unfortunately spending hours at the wheel can take its toll on our bodies including our backs.

In a survey undertaken by the British Chiropractic Association (BCA), 25% of people surveyed felt that driving affected their posture. This is important to consider as if your driving position is negatively impacting your posture it may lead to back pain or neck pain.

One of our experienced chiropractors at Cliffs Chiropractic in Southend, Arif Soomro, wants to share some tips to make your driving more comfortable and to give you less chance of getting neck and back pain.

The first step to consider is to enter your car comfortably. That means try and avoid twisting your back and keep your knees close together.

There are several stages to finding a comfortable driving position which requires adjustments to the back rest, seat, steering wheel, headrest and safety belt.

Arif has created a video to take you through step by step the necessary adjustments. You can watch the video below.


Of course driving comes with a lot of stress which can also cause tension in the back and neck. To avoid as much stress as possible here are a few tips to follow:

Allow plenty of time for your journey. Take into account traffic and weather conditions that could impact on the time and factor in plenty of breaks if it’s a long journey.

Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Leave the tight clothes and high heels at home.

Take regular breaks. Stop for a break at least every two hours and get out of the car and have a walk around and a stretch. If you are in discomfort then you should stop more frequently.

If you are stuck in traffic, and it’s safe to do so, do some exercises in your seat. Buttock clenches, shoulder shrugs and circles are all good stretches you can do in a seated position.

Remember to relax and enjoy the journey.

If you heading away this Easter then drive safely and have a great journey.





The January Blues Can Be a Pain in the Neck!

Is January becoming a pain in the neck? Or a headache to deal with, even? If you are feeling those aches and pains more so at this time of the year, it could be down to the January blues.

When your mood is low, or you’re feeling downbeat and lethargic, you are more likely to slump or slouch. And when you sit in this position, knots form in the neck muscles, which release chemicals that can make nerves more sensitive to pain. This can cause pain to be felt in the head, (known as a tension headache) resulting in a similar sensation to a tight, pressing pain on both sides of the head. According to our Southend chiropractor, tension headaches are the most common type of headache and about 80 % of tension headaches are caused by muscles in the neck.

So watch how you’re sitting and try your best not to slouch!

Three Reasons Your Neck Is Stiff

Are your aches and pains literally a pain in the neck? Feeling like your cervical spine could do with a gallon of oil to loosen it up?

Our Southend chiropractor highlights three reasons why your neck may be so stiff:

1:  You’re a Smartphone Addict

Yep, that little device that you’re never more than a foot from can be bad news for your neck. “Text neck,” which is a modern cause of neck pain and stiffness, is becoming increasingly prevalent due to the amount of time people spend looking down at mobile devices.

2: Your Position’s all Wrong

Any activity that places your neck in an awkward position for a prolonged period can cause muscle strain. This may include holding your phone against your shoulder as you speak, carrying a bag on one shoulder or working for long hours at a computer.

3: Your Pillow Needs Changing

Ideally, your head and spine should follow a straight line when you sleep. If your pillow is too high or too low, it’s probably time to get a new one!

A stiff neck can be more than just an annoyance; it can be a sign that you need to change some bad habits.

Designed For Less? How Modern Life Affects the Spine

neck care advice fom our southend chiropractorHas the enterprise of technology started the demise of the human spine? It’s a worrying possibility, according to our Southend chiropractor who treats an increasing number of people for technology-associated back and neck pain.

Technology has evolved rapidly over the past few decades which has changed the way we live tremendously. For thousands of years, the human race spent time hunting and gathering for food, and running and fighting for survival.  Of course, we adapted and evolved, but over the last twenty years or so, we have become much more sedentary as a species. And the effects are a rise in diabetes, heart disease, certain forms of cancer and poor musculoskeletal health.

Neck pain is a common reason why patients visit our chiropractic clinic; and much of this is a result of poor posture when using (or overusing) technological devices. But think about it… if neck pain is becoming a common condition in the adult population, what will be the effect on our children who are using technology at such early stages in their lives and at crucial periods of their skeletal development?

Our chiropractor worries that the younger generation could begin to develop back and neck problems at an earlier age and risk the development of future illness. The earlier postural patterns develop, the more difficult they are to adjust and improve later in life.

So how does technology use pose such a danger to our spines?

Most technology involves flexing the head and neck forward, which results in looking down rather than straight ahead. This generally won’t cause problems when done on a temporary basis, but using technology for hours on end can be seriously bad news for our spines. To be specific, we’re talking about the risk of symptoms such as neck and back pain, shoulder pain, headaches and neurological symptoms like pain, numbness and pins and needles in the arms.

The solution is simple – limit the amount of time you and your children spend using Smartphones, tablets and technological devices in general. The spine simply wasn’t designed to cope with the stresses of modern technology. Expecting the human spine to withstand the overuse of technology is like thinking a castle will stand on quicksand; it just won’t.

They say technology is advancing at break-neck speed; that’s not far from a literal statement.


Did You Catch Arif on Radio Essex on Thursday Morning?

arif soomro chiropractor southendArif was interviewed by Radio Essex on Thursday morning about ‘Text Neck’.

This new phenomenon is caused by gadget addicts looking down at their phones and tablets for long periods which results in postural changes that can lead to serious problems.

However, if you are at risk of suffering the consequence of ‘Text Neck’ all is not lost as Arif reveals how you can ease the pain.

text neck advice from cliffs chiropractor southendThe extra capability for playing games and browsing the internet on smartphones means that they are tending to be used for longer periods. And unlike laptops, tablet are often placed flat on the lap, meaning users crane their neck over to view the screen.

The average human head weighs between 10lb and 12lb and flexing the neck at an angle makes it harder to support, raising the odds of pain and stiffness which can radiate down the shoulders, arms and wrists. Headaches and even arthritis can develop.

Arif says, “‘Text Neck’ can lead to arthritic degeneration if left untreated and anyone experiencing pain should be checked. Some people work on a computer, play on their mobile phones on their breaks, drive home and work on their computer and their phone again in the evening and that’s really unhealthy. We are not built to be sitting down hunched over screens. However, that is exactly what people are doing with their necks. If people continue to put their necks into these positions, the body will gradually adapt to the stresses.  Because the head and neck move forwards, it will eventually lead to a reversal of the natural curve of the neck.

Postural changes will then occur, which can lead to serious problems.”

text neck advice from cliffs chiropractor southendArif reveals how to ease texting pain.

1) Take regular breaks from texting

2) Look straight ahead every few minutes; pull the chin back into the neck and hold that position for a few seconds.

3) Rotate your shoulders while keeping your arms by your sides

4) Sit up straight every time you text

5) Put the phone a little higher when texting.



Lounging on the Beach This Summer? Watch Your Back and Neck

If you’re planning a trip abroad this summer (or even if the British weather holds out), you’ll probably be looking forward to long, lazy days of rest and relaxation. But according to our Southend chiropractor, lying in the sun for hours on end can be harmful to your neck and back (and we’re not just talking about sunburn!).

Lying on your stomach – which is a favourite sunbathing position – flattens the natural curve in the lower back. You’re also more likely to turn your head to one side when you lie in this position, which can distort the alignment of the vertebrae in your cervical spine. That’s without the compression of your heart, lungs and nerves (ever wondered why you sometimes experience “pins and needles” when you’re in a certain position?)!

Our chiropractor in Southend recommends that you avoid lying on your stomach for long periods of time – especially if you currently suffer or have previously suffered from back or neck pain.

Is Your Mobile to Blame for Your Neck Pain?

By now most of us will have heard of “text neck” – a modern day condition where the cervical spine is affected by excessive mobile phone use. But what level of damage are our “heads down generation” actually risking?

The adult human head typically weighs between 10 and 12 lb and this weight equates to far greater volumes as the head tilts forward. The muscles, ligaments and tendons are all put under pressure when holding the head at a forwards angle, which explains why excessive mobile phone use is largely responsible for many neck complaints.

To highlight the reality of this…

A head that is tilted 15 degrees forward may equate to 27 lbs and a head that is tilted 30 degrees forward may put the same strain on the neck as a 40lb head!

Maybe the term “get your head straight” is more apt than ever…