Take Care of Your Back During Pregnancy

pregnacy posture advice, cliffs chiropractic clinic, back pain, arif soomroDuring pregnancy your body goes through significant changes some of which will affect your posture. Unfortunately it’s not uncommon for these changes to result in back aches and pains. Some of the more common changes which can result in back aches and pains during pregnancy include:

  • Lumbar curving increasing due to the increased weight being carried at the front of the body. In turn more pressure is put onto the spinal joints which can cause discomfort mad for some pain.
  • Increased pressure put on the upper back as a result of an increase in breast size can result in upper back aches and pain.
  • During the final stages of pregnancy the releasing of relaxin to soften muscles, ligaments and tendons can cause more problems when over stretching and lifting.

Our chiropractors at Cliffs Chiropractic Clinic in Southend recommend that you take care of your back during pregnancy.  Seeking advice from a healthcare professional to help advise you on exercises and stretches you can do to help support your spine is highly recommended.

Taking appropriate forms of exercise is important, especially exercises that will help strengthen the core. There are specialist pregnancy yoga classes that can be undertaken from 12 weeks. Swimming and aqua natal classes can also be beneficial.

Our chiropractors recommend that you seek the advice of a health care professional such as a chiropractor, your GP, midwife or other healthcare professional to advise you appropriately.

Cliffs Chiropractic Clinic in Southend s a leading chiropractic pregnancy care clinic. Arif Soomro, one of our experienced chiropractors, is a Fellow of the International Chiropractic Paediatric Association. He has helped many ladies through their pregnancies both patients and other chiropractors. Arif is also certified in the Webster Technique.

Arif says, “Caring for an expectant mother is an extremely rewarding experience. It offers an unique opportunity to positively influence two lives at once.”

If you are suffering back aches and pains during your pregnancy why not call us today and book an appointment with Arif.



A New Arrival … Treating Pregnant Ladies Is Such a Joy

We’d like to congratulate Alex and Mark Howell on the arrival of Hugo, their baby boy. During her pregnancy, Alex was treated by Arif.

As one of the UK’s first chiropractors to qualify as a Certified Chiropractic Paediatric Practitioner, Arif, has helped many ladies through their pregnancies.

Arif says “Caring for an expectant mother is an extremely rewarding experience. It offers an unique opportunity to positively influence two lives at once.”

A specialised approach is required to deal with the changing physiology and posture pregnancy brings. Expectant mums often experience new sensations however some may be indicative of musculoskeletal problems in the lumbar spine and pelvis. Any persistent pain should be looked into.

The aim of the chiropractic approach to pregnancy care is to offer musculoskeletal care with an emphasis on maintaining a well balanced, correct functioning pelvic girdle.

Maintaining the correct relationship between the uterus and its attachment to the pelvis via its ligaments and muscles is fundamental to this. Maintaining this relationship will influence treatment approach and delivery options.

In addition to being a Certified Chiropractic Paediatric Practitioner, Arif is a Fellow of the International Chiropractic Paediatric Association. He is also certified in the Webster Technique.

Arif is able to advise on natural delivery positioning, Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP), and other common conditions associated with pregnancy and post gestation related to our area of knowledge.

Prevent pregnancy back pain

pregnancy back care advice from our southend chiropractorExpecting a baby? Experiencing back pain? You’re not alone!

According to our Southend chiropractor, most women will encounter some degree of back pain or discomfort during their pregnancy. And while back pain may develop at any point during a pregnancy, it most commonly occurs during the later stages as the baby grows bigger.

The good news is there are simple steps you can take to reduce the amount of pain and discomfort you feel. We share these at the end of this post, but first of all, let’s take a look at what causes back pain during pregnancy.

There are a number of factors that can lead to back pain during pregnancy with some women even experiencing an achy spine at the very early stages.

Here are some of the most common reasons for back pain or discomfort during pregnancy:

Hormone surges

Hormones released during pregnancy allow ligaments in the pelvic area to soften and the joints to become looser in preparation for the birth. This change in joints and loosening of ligaments can affect the support your spine normally experiences.

Shift in the centre of gravity

When carrying a child, your centre of gravity gradually moves forward as your uterus and baby grow. This causes a change in posture which can lead to back pain. Poor posture and bending over can trigger or increase the pain you experience in your back

Weight gain

Every pound you gain during pregnancy is an extra pound of weight your spine must support.


Preparing for a new arrival is exciting but also stressful at times. As stress usually manifests in weak areas in the body, and because your back may be weaker due to the reasons above, you can experience an increase in back pain during stressful periods of your pregnancy.

So what can you do to reduce the risk of back pain during pregnancy?

The physiological aspects of growing a child mean that it isn’t always possible to completely prevent back pain during pregnancy. But there are steps that you can take to reduce the severity or frequency.

These include:

  • Carrying out the exercises advised by your health care provider that support and help strengthen your back and abdomen.
  • Squatting instead of bending over when you need to lift or pick up something.
  • Avoiding high heels and other unsupportive shoes.
  • Avoiding sleeping on your back.
  • Wearing a support belt under your lower abdomen.
  • Having your back adjusted by a good chiropractor.
  • Getting plenty of rest and keeping your feet elevated as much as possible.

We wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy!

Why Is Our Reception Full of Babies and Pregnant Ladies?

treating babies at cliffs chiropractor southendAs one of the UK’s first chiropractors to qualify as a Certified Chiropractic Paediatric Practitioner, Arif, who is also a Fellow of the International Chiropractic Paediatric Association, attracts new mothers and pregnant ladies from across Essex (and further afield) who are looking for Chiropractic treatment to help them.

Many people are unware that chiropractic treatment can be effective during pregnancy and for the care of babies and children. However, a specialised approach is required for this level of chiropractic care.

You can read more about the pregnancy care and paediatric care we offer at Cliffs on our website.

We believe that it often helps to hear our patients’ own experiences of the care that we offer. Here is feedback that we received on our Facebook page recently from two of our patients.

Pregnancy Care

“If you are considering chiropractic care whilst pregnant then without a doubt do it. I had my first child without chiropractic care (was kicking myself after!) the labour was much longer as I suffered hip pain, this I discovered much later was due to a variety of issues which led to the womb becoming the shape of a 3D figure of eight. labour took much longer as the head wasn’t engaged since baby was at the top and took a considerable time to move further down. Anyway the long and short of it was a long labour with the need for a drip etc to speed things along!! However when I had my second child I had discovered the wonders of chiropractic care. The labour was the total opposite, the womb would have been balloon shaped with the regular adjustments and was much better without the need of medical interference. I gave birth at home (as planned!) in much less time and a great deal more pleasant. All I can suggest is that with chiropractic care you will give both you and baby the best advantage possible at a stressful time! If anyone would like to know more feel free to ask. Arif was amazing and soooo enthusiastic too.” Col Wright

Paediatric Care

“I have been coming to see the team here since 2011. My daughter who is now 4 has been seen by Arif since her birth in 2012.

The team are fantastic, I can leave Sophia in capable hands whilst I have my treatment and she is in safe hands. She will be a great receptionist when she grows up.

Sophia has been seeing Arif since birth and she draws him pictures. She’s gone from a babe in arms to now lying down on the table and enjoying her treatment.

Sophia has a life shorting condition and her health and welfare is paramount. We will do everything we can to keep her healthy.

I believe that her treatment here benefits her condition.” Lisa Hyde

You can read more of our Patients’ stories and testimonials on our website.

If you are pregnant or have concerns about your child or baby’s health then please give us a call and we can answer your questions and if appropraiet book an appointment for you to visit the clinic.



