October is Walk to School Month and our team of chiropractors in Southend are fully behind the scheme.
Walking frequently is one of the healthiest things you can do with your family. Amongst a host of others, some of the main benefits of regular walking include:
- Helping to achieve/ maintain a healthy weight.
- Helping to prevent or manage serious conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.
- Strengthening bones and muscles.
- Improving mood.
- Improving balance and coordination.
If you’re like many parents, the daily school run probably consists of chaos, stress and a desperate attempt to get to the school early enough to battle for a parking space. It’s probably not your favourite time of the day!
But consider the alternative… Calmness. Ease. Enjoying a conversation with your children as you share an early morning autumn stroll.
For some families, walking to school may seem impractical ( especially those who have work commitments), but if you are able to walk your children to school just a couple times a week, you and your little ones will benefit. You’ll probably save a bit on petrol costs too!
Our Southend chiropractor has a few more reasons why you may want to start walking the school run:
1: To boost physical activity
Children need an hour of physical activity every day – and a walk to and from school can make up a chunk of this minimum requirement. As the evenings draw in, walking to school is a fail-safe way to ensure your child gets some physical activity every day.
2: To increase concentration
Many children who are physically active on the way to school are better able to focus in class. You may find that your child starts performing better in school after walking to school for a week or two.
3: To teach crucial safety skills
Walking your child to and from school is the perfect time to teach them vital road safety skills. What better time to teach them such important skills than during the morning rush when they need them the most?
4: To further develop your relationship
Sharing a walk with your child is a great way to embark on some good conversation and develop your relationship in a calm and relaxed environment.
5: To help reduce pollution and congestion
When you walk your child to school, you’ll be playing your part in helping to reduce pollution and congestion around schools.
Why not make October a month to take up more walking with your family.