It’s International Walk To School Month

Every October the International Walk to School Month campaign encourages children to join hundreds of thousands of pupils across the globe to walk to school. This year the focus of the campaign is to look at ways to make the walk to school safer and easier.

The campaign website is full of information including information on how you can get involved whether you’re a parent, a school or policy maker. Here is the link to the website

Living Streets who organise the campaign in the UK released research by YouGov2018 for the start of International Walk to School month listing the top 10 most annoying thing about the school run. The top 3 include:

  1. Too many cars at the school gates (54%)
  2. Cars parking on the pavements (50%)
  3. Too much traffic on the road (45%)

As a parent (or even someone who lives by a school) you may find one of these to be your biggest annoyance too.

As chiropractors we’re keen to encourage adults and children to be more active and a walk to school is an opportunity to get in a few more steps every day.

So why not make this October your walk to school month.


Get Walking This Autumn

Summer is slipping away and autumn is nearly upon us, however, it can be such a great time of year to get outdoors and take some exercise. Our chiropractors at Cliffs Chiropractic Clinic in Southend can’t stress enough how important taking regular exercise is both for our physical and mental health.

Walking is a great form of exercise. It is accessible, free and can be done by most people whatever their age or level of fitness.

We are fortunate that Southend and the surrounding areas offer many wonderful places to get outdoors and walk.

Our chiropractors advise that if you haven’t exercised for some time then start slowly. Make sure you wear a good pair of comfortable shoes that provide good support. Build up your walking pace over time. To gain the health benefits from your walking you will need to walk briskly. A good test to check whether you are walking sufficiently fast is to try singing a song – if you find that difficult but can speak it then you’re probably walking at the right pace.

If you have any health concerns then it is advisable to talk to your GP, chiropractor or other health care practitioner for advice before starting any new form of exercise.

Ditch the car and walk to school

back care advice fom our southend chiropractorIt’s Walk to School week (May 21 -25) and if you are taking up the challenge to ditch the car and walk your kids to school this week then congratulations. Last year 400,000 children and families participated in the Living Streets challenge. Every year Living Streets come up with a new fun, themed challenge designed to encourage children and their families to walk to school and get a taste of the many benefits walking can bring.

With back pain in children and young people on the rise our chiropractors cannot stress enough the importance that exercise plays in the health of children’s backs. Back pain is on the increase across all ages and a major contributory factor to this increase is down to lifestyles that are heavily sedentary and it’s sad to say that children are not immune to being increasingly inactive.

It’s important that children and teenagers take adequate exercise during the day – one hour is recommended. Taking exercise not only has health benefits but it is good for the brain too and can improve memory and thinking skills.

One of our experienced chiropractors at Cliffs Chiropractic, Arif Soomro, is so concerned with the state of children’s and people’s spines that he developed the Back Story. The Back Story was developed by Arif to be a proactive guide to enable anyone to help themselves take better care of themselves depending on their age.

By choosing an age group you can learn what’s happening to your body and how you can increase your energy levels, strength and flexibility. Making a few lifestyle changes today, and sustaining them, can give you benefits that last a lifetime. The information starts with toddlers and goes through to the 80+ age group. If you have children then you will definitely want to read the appropriate sections for their age.

Now back to ditching your car and walking  your kids to school. You may have missed out on being a part of the Walk to School challenge this May but why not create your own challenge. Try walking to school 5 days and see the benefits. If you have a long drive to school why not park the car 10 minutes away and walk from there.

We know it can be tough to fit in the school walk and ditch the car with everything else that needs to get done but in the long term we think it’s worth it.






Swap the school car run for a walk to school

back care advice fom our southend chiropractorSeptember’s here and parents across the nation will once again be tackling the daily school run. But have you considered swapping your wheels for your legs?

According to our Southend chiropractor, walking is one of the best ways to benefit from exercise without aggravating the structures in the lower back. Not only will you benefit from the exercise but walking provides a whole host of health benefits to your child.  These include:

  • Strengthening the muscles in their feet, legs, hips, and torso. Walking increases the stability of the spine and conditions the muscles that keep the body in the upright position.
  • Nourishing their spinal structures.  Regular walking encourages strong circulation, which helps to deliver vital nutrients into soft tissues.
  • Improving their flexibility and posture. Walking, along with regular stretching, allows greater range of motion, which can help to prevent awkward movements and lower the risk of future injuries.

Why else is walking good for kids?

Here are just a couple more reasons to start walking your child to school:

  • Walking to school from a young age will help them to develop road awareness in time for independent walking as a teenager.
  • Walking is fun and interesting. Your children will get to notice things along the way and meet different people in your local area.
  • Walking helps to improve physical and emotional health and can even boost mood and self esteem levels.

Of course, when you have a busy family life, it can be very tempting to jump in the car to ferry the little ones to school. But swapping just a few of those car journeys for walks will be easier than you think. About a third of all the journeys we undertake are less than a mile, which is only about a 20 minute walk! And the best part is that you won’t have to hunt for a parking space when you get to the school!

Walking is a fantastic activity that you and your children can do together. It’s never too early to start walking your child to school.

What’s stopping you from walking your children to school? After all, there’s nothing more important than the health of your kids

Fun Summer Activities to Fight Back Pain

back care advice from our southend chiropractorSummer is almost here and there’s no better time to get out and about in the great outdoors with the family. But if you suffer from back pain, finding something fun to do that doesn’t make you go “ouch” can seem tricky. But our Southend chiropractor has just the advice you need for a summer that brings you pleasure instead of pain.


It is believed that walking has the lowest dropout rate than any other physical activity. And it’s easy to guess why! Walking is a great activity for anyone simply because it can be done anywhere, at any time and with minimal preparation.  All you need is a comfortable pair of walking shoes and a safe path and you’ll be on your way to better overall health and reduced back pain.

Walking can help to increase the stability of the spine and strengthen the muscles that keep the body in an upright position. It also encourages strong circulation which facilities the delivery of nutrients into spinal structures. Walk regularly and you’ll also benefit from an improved range of motion and a reduced risk of future spine injury. The bottom line? Walk. Walk. Walk.


Yoga hosts an enormity of health benefits including improved flexibility, increased strength, stress relief and more. You’ll especially benefit from yoga if you suffer from back and neck pain because it offers a wide combination of physical movements, breathing and meditation.

Yoga movements have many practical ways of help to treat chronic back and neck conditions.

Paddle Boating

Ever wondered why you see so many people standing up on surf boards padding to and fro? They’re not just floating around day dreaming; they’re doing an activity that has many health benefits. Paddle boarding has become popular in recent years because it’s a low impact exercise that can help to improve strength, balance and core stability. Even just the relaxing nature of the activity in itself offers stress relief.

Try your hand at paddle boarding and you’ll engage almost every muscle in your body as you work to maintain your balance. It’s also incredibly easy on the tendons, ligaments and joints; which is why so many people with back pain enjoy this activity so much.

Who knew pain relief could be so much fun?

You should consult with a health care practictioner before starting an new form of exercise if you have concerns.

Springtime Ideas To Supercharge Your Spine Health!

back care advice from our southend chiropractorSpring is here and that means out with the old and in with the new! With new life emerging all around us, there is no better time of year to sparkle your spine with health and vitality.

Here are some inspirational ideas from our Southend chiropractor to boost your spine health this season:

Make Exercise a Way of Life

The easiest and most effective way to exercise is to make it part of your lifestyle. Any good chiropractor will tell you that exercise and a healthy spine come hand in hand. Even if you’re currently in pain, regular exercise will almost certainly help in the rehabilitation of your injured spine.

A simple exercise program that focuses on stretching and strengthening the back, hamstrings, and abdominal muscles can significantly help in getting those vital nutrients into your spinal discs and soft tissues. This will help to speed up your healing process and keep your spine healthy.


Meditation can be a very effective way to fight chronic back pain. And the activity is extremely simple to carry out! All you need is a dark, quiet room and about 15 minutes of your time each day.

Start Walking

When it comes to maintaining a healthy spine, the benefits of walking are countless. Taking regular strolls will help to strengthen your core muscles that keep your body upright, nourish your spinal structures, improve your flexibility and strengthen your bone structure.

If you currently experience back pain, get clearance from your GP before starting any new walking activity.  Also, start out with several short walks each day rather than a single long walk. If your pain is severe, you may want to consider walking in a pool to reduce the amount of pressure on your spine.

Match Your Pillow To Your Position

The pillow you use to sleep on should support the natural curve of your neck. So if you sleep on your side you will probably need a thicker pillow to ensure your neck and head are positioned in the middle of your shoulders. Your height and the width of your shoulders will help determine the type of pillow you need.  To ensure that you are sleeping on the correct pillow for you, buy your sleeping items from a reputable bed store and ask for advice on what items are best suited for your size and sleeping position.

Take action now and the changes you make this spring could result in long lasting good health.

Spring Sports to Boost Your Back Health

If you think that taking it easy is the best way to manage your back pain, think again! Exercising regularly is one of the most effective ways to reduce back pain and prevent future episodes from returning. According to our Southend chiropractor, there is an exercise suitable for almost anyone suffering from back pain. Some people even start exercising the day after having back surgery!

So now that spring will soon be upon us, why not get your body moving and shift your back pain?

Aerobic exercise, such as walking and swimming, can really help to get your blood flowing to your back muscles, which can increase strength and aid in injury recovery. Yoga is also a great choice of activity if you suffer with back pain. A good instructor will even be able to adapt your exercises to suit your level of comfort.

Remember to check with your doctor or therapist before starting any new exercise and to stop any activity immediately if it causes your pain to worsen.

Boost Your Health With a Christmas Day Stroll!

healthy living advice cliffs chiropractor southendLooking for a way to reenergise after that mammoth Christmas lunch? Daunted by the thought of sitting through yet another Eastenders Christmas “special” while your old aunt complains that TV isn’t what is used to be, yet insists on watching every moment of the soul-sucking story lines?

Why not go for a Christmas day stroll? The crisp December air will fill your lungs with a new surge of oomph for the rest of the day. And according to our Southend chiropractor, you’ll do your body a whole load of favours too!

Walking for just 20 minutes a day (and yes, even on Christmas Day!) has many wonderful health benefits.

Here are just a few of the incredible effects of walking:

1: Improved Mood

A brisk stroll will release endorphins that can trigger positive feelings. Most people are jolly at Christmastime, but think of how happy you will be after a mood-boosting walk!

2: Increased Energy

Most people hit an afternoon slump after munching down a hearty Christmas roast. Instead of snoozing the post-lunch lull away, pop on your trainers and go for a stroll instead! Walking will increase the flow of blood around your body and create a new surge of energy. You’ll burn off some of those Christmas calories, too!

3: Lowered Risk of Heart Disease

Christmas is a time when most of us overindulge in all things a little naughty but nice. But keeping up with regular walks over the festive period can help to offset the negative effects of those guilty Christmas pleasures. Walking for just 20 minutes a day can play a big part in reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

4: Longer Life Expectancy

It’s no big revelation that frequent inactivity is linked to premature death. While a few days of lounging on the sofa is unlikely to send you to an early grave, you should still try to remain active over the Christmas period.

5: Lowered Risk of Diabetes

Walking after a meal can help to lower your blood sugar and reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. What better time to start than after that plate full of trimmings and that giant bowl full of pudding?

Enjoy a great Christmas. Enjoy great health!

Walk to School Month. Are Your Playing Your Part?

back care advice fom our southend chiropractorOctober is Walk to School Month and our team of chiropractors in Southend are fully behind the scheme.

Walking frequently is one of the healthiest things you can do with your family. Amongst a host of others, some of the main benefits of regular walking include:

  • Helping to achieve/ maintain a healthy weight.
  • Helping to prevent or manage serious conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.
  •  Strengthening bones and muscles.
  • Improving  mood.
  • Improving balance and coordination.

If you’re like many parents, the daily school run probably consists of chaos, stress and a desperate attempt to get to the school early enough to battle for a parking space. It’s probably not your favourite time of the day!

But consider the alternative… Calmness. Ease. Enjoying a conversation with your children as you share an early morning autumn stroll.

For some families, walking to school may seem impractical ( especially those who have work commitments), but if you are able to walk your children to school just a couple times a week, you and your little ones will benefit. You’ll probably save a bit on petrol costs too!

Our Southend chiropractor has a few more reasons why you may want to start walking the school run:

1: To boost physical activity

Children need an hour of physical activity every day – and a walk to and from school can make up a chunk of this minimum requirement. As the evenings draw in, walking to school is a fail-safe way to ensure your child gets some physical activity every day.

2: To increase concentration

Many children who are physically active on the way to school are better able to focus in class. You may find that your child starts performing better in school after walking to school for a week or two.

3:  To teach crucial safety skills

Walking your child to and from school is the perfect time to teach them vital road safety skills. What better time to teach them such important skills than during the morning rush when they need them the most?

4:  To further develop your relationship

Sharing a walk with your child is a great way to embark on some good conversation and develop your relationship in a calm and relaxed environment.

5: To help reduce pollution and congestion

When you walk your child to school, you’ll be playing your part in helping to reduce pollution and congestion around schools.

Why not make October a month to take up more walking with your family.


Walk More. Live Longer.

Walking is one of the best forms of exercise we can all take and is one of the easiest and most effective ways to keep your spine healthy

It is simple, doesn’t require any special equipment, all the family can join in and it’s free. It’s also a great way to get out and about and visit the local area.

There are so many great places to walk around Southend and the surrounding areas such as Leigh on Sea and Hadleigh.

As a chiropractor near Leigh on Sea a popular walk that you can take starts and ends in Hadleigh and takes in Leigh and Sea.  It covers about 6 miles. Starting at Chapel Lane car park and finishing at Hadleigh Castle Country Park (with plenty of stops for refreshments in between), this wonderful walk offers generous views across the scenic Thames estuary and Canvey Island. With Canary Walk to the west and the beautiful Kent countryside to the South, you can expect to sink into the historical ambience along your way, and catch some amazing views of the local wildlife! Here is a link to find out more about this walk.

Make the most of the incredible area you live in – put one foot in front of the other and take the first steps towards a longer and healthier life!