Think Away Pain With These Amazing Techniques!

pain management advice from our southend chiropractorIf you live with chronic pain, you’ll be all too aware of the impact it can have on your daily life. But what if you could train your brain to reduce your symptoms? Is it even possible to “think” your pain away? It can be, according to our Southend chiropractor.

Take a look at the following pain-management techniques that have worked for many people living with chronic pain:


This effective technique involves focusing your mind on something specific and ignoring other stimuli in the process. This may be listening to a piece of music and only focusing on the beat of the drum, for example.

However you choose to do it, it’s important that you find a way to make the activity compelling enough to allow your brain enough power to negate your pain.

Expect pleasure

Learning to expect a feeling of pleasure may help to reduce pain. Many patients living with daily pain come to accept their symptoms as part of their lives. Imagine a day where you feel no pain whatsoever. Train your brain to expect a pain-free future, even when you are in pain.

Positive pictures

Imagery can be one of the most effective ways to use your brain to reduce your pain! If your pain presents as a burning sensation, consider looking at pictures of snow and ice. If you suffer from joint pain and stiffness, looking at a video of a flexible dancer may help to focus your brain away from your ailments.

Remember that your eyes, mind and body work in sync with one another; and what you see can cause many significant physiological responses. Ever started itching at the mere sight or mention of head lice or fleas? That’s your body reacting with your mind!

Where you direct your attention can be very powerful in helping to relieve pain.

Give these ideas a try and speak to a healthcare professional about other pain control techniques. Training your brain to cope with your pain just come as a breakthrough in your management of your condition. After all, what have you got to lose by trying?