Got neck pain? Our next Target Thursday at Cliffs Chiropractor Southend can help you

Our next ‘Target Thursday’ clinic is on 27th Match and we will be focussing exclusively on neck complaints.

Our experienced team of Chiropractors in Southend and our Radiographers will be offering a specialised one-stop clinic assessing the whole spectrum of disorders affecting the neck.

You will need to book a session to be seen one of our team of chiropractors.

Your session will take less than 60 minutes and you will receive:

  • A consultation
  • Assessment
  • X-Ray of the area (if required)
  • Results of our findings

Our normal fee at Cliffs Chiropractic Clinic for the above is £165, however, you will pay only £39 when you book your session on our upcoming ‘Target Thursday’ on 27th March.

Why not give us a call today to book your session and start the journey to get back your health and get back your life with the help of all of our team and chiropractors in Southend .