When Arif Met Melanie & Paz Met Aisha

Remember the movie ‘When Harry Met Sally’?

Well the team at Cliffs have a few of their own ‘When Harry Met Sally’ tales and we did say we would share some with you …

When Arif Met Melanie

Cliffs Chiropractor SouthendIt was 1984 and Melanie was in her final year of the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic. There was a local pub the students frequented and one autumn evening Arif was quietly sitting at a table with friends when there was a commotion- a girl had been unceremoniously grabbed and held upside down by some male ‘’friends” kicking someone’s drink over on the way.

Arif looked over and this was his first view of Melanie.

Afterwards being extremely embarrassed she extracted herself from the situation and sought a friendly face, she saw Arif across the room and thought, “I like the look of him” and the rest is history.

When Paz Met Aisha

Paz and AishaPaz says “Believe it or not, I met my wife through a blind date set up by my uncle and his financial advisor (now my father-in-law)! I had just recently graduated and thought it would be fun.

We talked for ages. She was amazing!

Apparently I left an impression too!

That was 11 years and 3 kids ago. I’m truly blessed to have found my best friend.”