Beat The Post Holiday Blues!

You excitedly plan for your summer holiday for months on end and within a week or two it’s all over. Yep, the holiday-blues can hit you harder than those post-cocktail hangovers. Fortunately, our Southend chiropractor has some great tips on regaining your summer smile following your trip:

1: Start a New Hobby

Think about something that interests you, and take the plunge and get started. You may have a surprising talent or you may discover that you don’t enjoy it after all. But the fun is in trying.

2: Learn

Enrolling in a class or workshop is a great way to distract you from the holiday blues and add some excitement to your life. Knowledge is invigorating!

3: Make Healthy Lifestyle Changes

It’s really difficult to feel good on a bad diet.  Remember that the choices you make for your body will have a direct impact on how you feel emotionally. If you’re feeling blue following your holiday, dump your bad habits and turn to healthy food and regular exercise. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you start feeling happier.

Stay happy, stay healthy!