Is Your Back Pain Making You Feel Old?

It’s not uncommon for our chiropractors at our busy chiropractic clinic in Southend to hear patients tell them how their back pain is making them feel old.

Back pain can have a tremendous impact on your life and can be quite debilitating for some. For many back pain sufferers simple day to day tasks which we take for granted suddenly become monumental tasks.

Given that at least 4 our of 5 adults will at some time in their lives experience back pain, our chiropractors at Cliffs Chiropractic Clinic, do all that they can to help educate people on actions that they can take to help keep their back and spine healthy.

One such initiative has been developed by our chiropractor, Arif Soomro. The Back Story programme has been developed by Arif to help people at different ages to be healthy and to counter balance the effects that modern day living in particular are having on us. By selecting your age group, you will find out about your body, the food and nutrients and exercise that will be beneficial for you at this age.

If you are currently suffering back pain then our chiropractors recommend that if you have been experiencing the pain for some time that you seek professional advice.

Chiropractic is a gentle, safe and effective treatment for many types of back pain. Low back pain is one of the most common conditions our team of experienced chiropractors treat.

If you would like to book an appointment you can call us on 01702 430 430.



Backcare Awareness Week 2018 Focuses On Back Pain In Older Adults

back care advice for older people from our chiropractor in southendBackcare Awareness Week is on the second week of October (8th – 12) and this year the focus is on back pain in older adults.

Back pain is one of the major disabling health conditions among older adults aged 60 years and older. Many causes of lower back pain are age-related with physical and psychosocial changes. There is a distinct lack of awareness, especially in older adults to the causes and effects of back pain and pain management. This year’s Back Awareness week wants to shine a light on the subject.

Existing evidence suggests that prevalence rates of severe and chronic low back pain increase with older age. As compared to working-age adults, older adults are more likely to develop lower back pain like osteoporotic vertebral fractures, tumors, spinal infection, and lumbar spinal stenosis. NCBI (

Here at Cliffs Chiropractic Clinic we are committed to helping people to live a pain free, full and active life whatever their age. Our founder, Arif Soomro, specifically developed a programme called The Back Story to help people learn more about what’s happening to their body throughout their lives and how they can increase their energy levels, strength and flexibility.

The programme is simple to use and by clicking on an age group your can learn about your body at this age, the food and nutrients that are best for it and the kinds of exercises that are best suited for the age group.

Following this progamme and making a few lifestyle changes today, and sustaining them, can give you benefits that last a lifetime.

Remember you don’t have to be perfect, you just need to start and apply!

If you are currently suffering back pain then our experienced team of chiropractors are here to help. Acute, chronic and general low back pain responds well to chiropractic treatment. Official government guidelines from the NICE and guidelines from the Royal College of General Practitioners suggest the early referral for manipulative treatment, such as chiropractic is the most effective way of dealing with acute and chronic low back pain.

You can call us on 01702 430 430 to book an appointment with one of our chiropractors in Southend.

Not Keen On Taking Exercise – Try One of These

The sedentary lifestyle that many people are living is seriously damaging their health and this includes the health of their spine.  Our chiropractors are keen to persuade everyone where appropriate to be more active and to take regular exercise. Whatever your age, level of ability or health condition there’s a form of exercise that will suit you.

Our chiropractors are committed to helping people take better care of themselves and have developed programmes that help support people in doing this. Two such programmes are The Back Story and Back to Business.

Having seen the effects that modern day living is having on all generations, Arif Soomro, one of our experienced chiropractors developed The Back Story.  Arif says, “We all understand the importance of taking care of ourselves; it’s better for our quality of life, especially as we get older. But at Cliffs we’re treating the effects of modern day living and are now seeing more and more 20 and 30-year-olds with the kind of neck, shoulder and back problems usually associated with much older people.”.

The Back Story enables you to click on your age-group and offers you suggestions for the best forms of exercises you can take to help you increase your energy levels, strength and flexibility. Check it out here.

If you spend hours working at your desk all day, you may very well be complaining of a stiff neck, aching shoulders or a bad back. If any of this sounds familiar, then our Back to Business programme is for you. There are six simple exercises that are really easy to do, especially in the confines of an office. Why not take a look here.

Our chiropractors at Cliffs Chiropractic in Southend are committed to help you gain the best possible health.

Arif Goes Back To School

back to schoolRecently Arif returned to St. Thomas More High School to have a round table debate with several students who he first met following a talk he gave to about 120 sixth form students a few months ago. He returned to find out from them how we can best educate teenagers to have a healthier lifestyle.

The Back Story is a very exciting project developed to help people make small changes which can have a significant difference to their health and well-being.

Arif says, “The Back  Story is such an important project as we’re treating more and more young people with the kind of neck, shoulder and back problems associated with ageing. Making small changes now will deliver long lasting benefits.

I’m hoping these sixth form students will help me spread the word. The message is very simple to young people – Start Looking after Yourself Now!”

In the video, Arif explains how there are plenty of exercises that young people can do like the Chin Tuck and The Squeeze. Just as important is eating healthily. Starting the day with a homemade smoothie can be a simple and nutritious way to get started.

Watch Arif’s video below to find out how this team of sixth form students is going to help him spread the word to other young people.

You can find out more about the Back Story here.



Stand Taller, Feel Better & Get Fitter

a spine chilling pictureTo highlight the importance of taking our health and especially our posture more seriously Cliffs Chiropractic Clinic have launched the ‘Back Story’ campaign, using a spine-chilling image to drive home the message.

The Echo is backing our campaign and covered the launch of the campaign at St Thomas More High School. Arif was also interviewed on BBC Essex.

You can read the article in the Echo by clicking on the image below.

Echo Back Story

You can listen to Arif’s interview on BBC Essex below.