The UK Is In The Grip Of Its Worst Flu Season For Seven Years

health advice from our southend chiropractorFigures show that the UK is in the grip of the worst flu season since 2011. In that year swine flu was responsible for the pandemic. This year there are four strains of flu doing the rounds.

Whilst the Aussie flu strain has received a great deal of press it is not causing the most serious illnesses according to the latest report from Public Health England.

Certain people are more at risk from catching flu, such as the over 65s, pregnant women and those with serious health conditions.

To help protect yourself, Arif advises that you should still be taking Zn 15mg, Vit D3 8000iu and Probiotic tablets every morning over the winter period as a highly effective natural winter immune boost. Both he and Melanie follow this regime.

Practicing good hand hygiene can limit the transmission of flu and the spread of germs as the flu virus can live for many hours on hard surfaces.